Recent Projects

West Coast Hot Springs

Conducted market research on Expedia, and discovered a gap in the market of travel planning for specific destinations such as hot springs and campsites. Successfully launched full-stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) application designed for users to explore hot spring information. Includes research Database, user authentication, and profile customization.

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Oakberry Fruit Bowls

Launched successful landing site for local business. Custom developement using the MERN stack , the unique features entice new users to peruse the menu. Built within client specifications and timeframes.

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Whom That Pokemon!

Fullstack app with Firebase authentication, Sass, MERN, and React MUI. This application stores and tracks user information in a Mongodb database, with secure login through FirebaseAuth, and seamless SCSS animations.

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Bodas Construction

One of the current projects under JERM Tech Consulting, providing ongoing maintenance and updates for a local construction company using JOOMLA and PHP. Manually test for visual bugs and performance and continuously add content according to client needs.

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Scare Factor Escape Rooms

Made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, this static-site includes quirky animations and is responsive on all devices.

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Trans Support Kenya

Volunteered with Out In Tech SF to create an online presence for underrepresented people in Kenya. This project gives Kenyans a place of safety to establish connections and post events in their community. Made using WordPress.

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Technical Skills

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Express
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • SQL
  • C#/Unity
  • Github/Gitbash
  • Adobe
  • Visual Studio Code

Jordan Moldovan

Based out of San Mateo, CA I use software to problem solve and innovate. I value being self-motivated and learning to achieve a stronger understanding of computer science. I love making smaller scale projects and building on technical skills in the process, as well as working in teams to make great products. Recently, I began collaborating and launching games in C#/Unity with friends. As my experience shows I am driven and determined to expand my skills and take my abilities to a prominent, wide reaching company. On my days off, you may find me running on local trails, making video games, or relaxing at home.